
Inserts a navigator that can be used to navigate within an indexed hierarchy.

Component properties
Category AS Menu
Version 1.0
Complies with Xhtml 1.0 / 1.1 rules Yes
Supported server programming languages C# Visual Basic.NET
Output content type block

In its simplest form the component looks like this when insterted in a document and combined with the Tree info component

Step 3 of 6
First Previous Next Last
Tree info and Tree navigator in action

When to use

This component is typically used when there is a need to be able to quickly navigate between documents in a document structure, for example when creating a complicated Wizard. Often this component is used in combination with the Tree info component.

When you implement a wizard you place this component on each one of the members in the wizard and it will automatically render the Html needed to navigate within the current document structure.

Programming interface


Use root
Check only if this component is used in a document that is included in another document. This will cause the component to use the document that this document is included in rather than the current document.
Display buttons
Set this parameter to show the navigator items as a buttons rather than plain links. This alternative requires Java Script on the client's browser.
Navigator class
An EPT field that contains a CSS class name used to format the navigator. This is useful in an EPT presentation template only.
Naviagtor static class
A CSS class name used to format the navigator. Ignored if NavigatorClass is specified.
Navigator style
The style of the DIV element hosting the navigator
Display navigator frame
Displays a frame (fieldset) around the Navigator
Navigator frame text
Displays a text in the frame (legend). Useful only if DisplayNavigatorFrame has been specified
Navigator frame style
Style of the frame (fieldset) surounding the Navigator elements. Useful only if DisplayNavigatorFrame is set.
Presentation template
The presentation template to use if not the default. Only useful with EPT.
Allow navigate to root
Allows the navigator to navigate to the tree root document
Link class
The name of one or more CSS classes that should be applied to each link (button)
Display first item
Displays a link (button) to the first document in the hierarcy
First item text
The text to display in the "first document" link (button). Ignored if an image is specified for this navigator element.
First item image
Inserts an image for the "First" link. If specified the FirstText is ignored.
First item image style
Style of the "First" image.
Display previous item
Displays a link (button) to the previous document in the hierarcy
Previous item text
The text to display in the "previous document" link (button). Ignored if an image is specified for this navigator element.
Previous item image
Inserts an image for the "Previous" link. If specified, the PreviousText is ignored.
Previous item image style
Style of the "Previous" image.
Display next item
Displays a link (button) to the next document in the hierarcy
Next item text
The text to display in the "next document" link (button). Ignored if an image is specified for this navigator element.
Next item image
Inserts an image for the "Next" link. If specified, the NextText is ignored.
Next item image style
Style of the "Next" image.
Display last item
Displays a link (button) to the last document in the hierarcy
Last item text
The text to display in the "last document" link (button). Ignored if an image is specified for this navigator element.
Last item image
Inserts an image for the "Last" link. If specified, the LastText is ignored.
Last item image style
Style of the "Last" image.


This component can only be used within and indexed document hierarcy. 


The underlying Indexed Tree API if very fast and efficient when it moves between documents in the indexed structure, but its performance has a price. Unlike the regular Menu API, it will not take any notice of unpublished documents or documents where the caller has no permission when it determines the next document to navigate to. The result will be that when the user navigates to a document that is not available to her an error will be show indicating that the document is not accessible. For this reason indexed tree structures can only be used with documents that are accessible to all users at any time.